Ways to Discuss Gambling with Your Kids

It’s crucial for you to be mindful of the mainstream press your child plays with as a parent. There’s a lot out there clamoring for children’s attention these days, with the advent of gamification, media platforms, and video gaming.

How to Approach Gambling with Children

Have a discussion with your youngster about what gambling is, what to do to recognize risky activities, and how to prevent being addicted to it. Here’s how you broach the subject of gambling with kids:

1-Discuss that gambling is ethically wrong

Describe exactly gambling is and how it might manifest itself in ways other than a traditional casino setting. Children as young of 18 are not permitted to gamble in any way, including online.

2-Inform children that they should not do anything online that they would not want their parents to see.

Explain how your family’s parental controls as well as monitoring will function. Make it clear what information about your child you’ll be checking at.

3-Talk about screen time with your child

Go through screen time statistics with your child. Inquire about their feelings when they are using a screen versus when they are not. Recognize the warning symptoms of addiction.

4-Inquire about peer groups

Find out whether your youngster notices gambling activities among their classmates and friends. Inquire about where they handle those circumstances and brainstorm strategies for dealing with them.
